Friday, July 24, 2009

Ok so its been awhile...

Alright its been more than a while since I have blogged here! LOL but don't hold that against me. It hasn't been long enough that the kids are in college yet, so cut me some slack!

So we last left off with the twins being young little fellas. Well they are still young but have grown quite a bit. We have now entered into the joys of potty training, moving on from sippy cups and I am sure there is an artist in my house because I have crayon and marker on 4 different walls. (if it weren't for Magic Erasers I would be painting left and right!)

The potty training adventure has been a ride that you want to jump off of like your hair was on fire! Isaac has gotten the idea down pretty At first I didn't think that kid would ever pee in the toilet. On the the bathtub... and out the back door yes! The toilet? Not so much. I will admit it has been harder for him because his twin (Joshua) is Autistic and is not learning with him. But for the love of mashed potatoes... this kid just did not want to use the potty.

He now wants to be in the bathroom every chance he gets. We have gone through countless toothbrushes as he feels the need to clean the sink with them when he is supposed to be washing his hands. Our water bill has gone up as well given that he thinks you have to flush in between every bodily function and sometimes just for the fun of it all.

We thought we would keep him in a diaper at night for those "just in case" moments where he might have an accident in his sleep. However, this plan has back fired more than once as we have woke up to him sleeping with his boxers on backwards or going commando with a diaper nowhere to be found (Fortunately he has lead us to the evidence after he wakes up or we would have bigger problems LOL).

But at last... the moment has come that we can say he is potty trained. It is perfect timing too! Joshua has decided that he has some interest in this whole potty business. Just the other morning he felt the urge, stripped his diaper off and peed on the damn floor! My love of a steam cleaner gets stronger everyday.

Until next time and the next laugh~