Friday, October 26, 2007

Lets speed things up a bit

I found out I was having twins half way through my pregnancy. I was immediately taken off of work and was limited as to what I was allowed to day. This didn't sound so bad. Anything was better than having morning sickness attacks on the way to work, on breaks at work, on the sales floor at work, on the way home....ok you get the point. I was sick and not liking it!

The first week wasn't so bad. I caught up on what I had missed for 3 years on General hospital. Laid around a lot, and was able to go to the bathroom without employees knocking on the door saying, "Are you sick again?"

Then week two hit. I was bored out of my mind. It was then that began emailing my mother all the crazy things that went through my mind while being pregnant with twins. The torture, the agony, the water retention. It was then that Operation Twin Pregnancy was born and I will now share that with you. Prepare to laugh and realize how crazy a pregnancy can really make you!

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