Friday, October 26, 2007


My day had started like any other. I got up, went to work, got paid way too little, and came home. It was a Friday. David had plans to go out for the night and I didn't feel like it so I stayed home. Now I had been having an odd feeling for a few days that I couldn't put my finger on. What could it be? Then a light bulb went on in my head that a rolling black out couldn't burn out. Could I be ...pregnant?

I waited about five minutes after David left and jumped in the car to get a home pregnancy test. They only had the ones that have 2 tests in them (could the number 2 be a vision of things to come?) so I bought them and came home.

Now I don't know how many of you have taken a home pregnancy test, but it should be a simple cut and dry process. Sit, pee on stick, and wait. Well when you are so nervous that you can barely keep your hand still, it's not as easy as it sounds. I managed to complete the task without too many "accidents" and wait for my results. Well my wait was about 5 seconds before the test showed the darkest pink line I had ever seen! Ironically at about the same time I took the test, it really seemed like my belly was growing by the second. But me being me, I had to take the second test..."just to be sure."

David took the news with a huge smile on his face, and thus.....

The adventure begins!

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