Monday, October 29, 2007

Operation Twin Pregnancy Mission 4

Being sick while pregnant in itself is not cool. Being sick while pregnant with twins should be considered cruel and unusual punishment! Lets start the chain of events that has come along with this cold..

Let me take you back..2 weeks ago.. 4am I wake up feeling like I am on fire. I start the process of getting out of bed. (I strap the chain around my waist and find the control for the wench.) I am now hanging half way off of the bed trying to convince the cramp in my leg to give in long enough for me to make it to the kitchen. To hell with it..I am now dragging my leg behind me as I bounce off of the walls in the hallway.In the meantime it feels as though someone has my head in the oven while squeezing it in a vice. You know the feeling..with every step you take it feels as though the corresponding eyeball is going to pop out and land on the floor in front of you. (in my case this would be very hazardous as I can't see what is in front of me on the floor. Just my luck ... I would step on my eyeball too.)

I have now made it to the kitchen, in search of any type of cold meds that I can safely take. ChaChing! I have Robitussin. I grab the cough syrup and the Spider man vitamins...(I know better late than never,but I can't take prenatal vitamins anyways and those chewable ones aren't that bad) I also grab the teabags and honey. All the while the dog is looking at meas though I have lost my mind...all I can think is...well DUH!

My eyes are now watery and I feel a sneeze coming on,but I continue on my path of "medicating." I grab a coffee cup to heat up some water..add the teabag...blah blah blah. Judging by the heat of the cup..I think I'll take the meds before a sip of tea.I start with the vitamin. Now it never fails...I sneeze. The dog and I both are now scrambling to get to the vitamin first which has been hurled out of my mouth with the force of a stinger missile. Damn..the dog won and I am now stuck under the kitchen table.After some strategic moves...ah hell I'll be honest...I flop around enough to be top side again and used the chair as a crutch to get up... I figure I'll take the cough syrup now to give me time to re coop from the first vitamin experience.. Prepared to gag, I take the cough syrup as quick as possible. To my surprise..its not that bad.. a little sweet actually.Now the vitamin..the dog is in alert mode waiting for another vitamin mishap, so I figure this has to happen quick. I quickly pop the vitamin in my mouth..which would have worked fine except my dumb ass used too much force and it is now lodged in my throat. Quick thinking, I grab for the tea..take a chug and suddenly realize that the "great tasting cough syrup" was actually the honey and I put the damn Robitussin in my tea.

I am now in a gaging frenzy..Lassie the wonder mutt is freaking out in which she jumps up on my eyes are really watering now...I am still gaging..oh no...oh boy here it comes... OOPS..I have now puked on the dog who is now whining on the floor as if she were on fire.. Serves her right.Now because of all of the coughing, I have to pee (or maybe I already did?) the dog is still freaking out. I am now dragging the dog to the bathroom with me. As I am peeing I coax the dog into the shower..quick rinse and its back to the kitchen. I restart the whole medicine process.

Finally I make it to the couch where I watch late night commercials about fitness freaks..LIKE I WANT TO SEE THAT RIGHT NOW....maybe I'll sleep a little....

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